A Simple Thing

It’s such a simple thing. She looks up at you and smiles. Her left brow rises ever so slightly above the other. The dark brown iris piercing out of her stained white eyes are still; yet warm as she looks at you with a knowing gaze. You know she sees you like no one else. Dimples form beneath her cheeks but they melt away just as quickly as they appear. Her pink lips glisten ever so softly as they come together to complete a smile you have seen a countless times before but this time… all you can think is, how can something as simple as a smile make you feel so perfect.

Isn’t it funny how you remember every detail about something as simple as a smile but fail to recollect what made them smile in the first place? You remember how you felt in that one moment when time seemed to stand still but try as you may, the events surrounding that moment are lost to you.

In the end what could be more beautiful?

The best moments in life are these simple, fleeting moments of affection that lift our spirits and are forever engraved in our minds. Simple yet more powerful than a thousand acts of love. Embrace these moments as you would a loved one before they departed on a long journey because it is these memories of our nearest and dearest that makes the love we share with them last through the ages.


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